

乳房x光检查 is a very safe procedure that uses low doses of 辐射 to produce high quality x-rays that help medical professionals identify and prevent breast cancer.


Lifesaving strategies get more important as you get older.

Breast cancer often makes itself known in its early stages, when there's a good chance for a cure. But here's the catch: You must be doing the right screenings to detect breast cancer. That includes monthly breast self-exams, regular clinical breast exams, and regular mammograms.

Yet many women still put off these exams for any number of reasons. If you have an excuse for not being tested, read on. The following reasons to get screened should help convince you that now is the time to take action.


随着年龄的增长,患病风险也会增加. 老年乳腺癌患者治疗不足

根据美国癌症协会的说法, roughly half of patients diagnosed with breast cancer are age 61 or older. Richard Zera,医学博士, 肿瘤学家, and Director of the Comprehensive Cancer Center says, "Women over 70 have the highest incidence of breast cancer. Early detection through screening mammography offers patients the most treatment options."

But a recent study published in the American Medical Association's 外科学档案 suggests that breast cancer diagnosis is sometimes delayed in older patients because of the underuse of mammograms. 除了, 积极的治疗(如化疗), 辐射, and hormonal therapy) is not used as often as for younger patients. The researchers suggest that screenings and treatments should be based on each individual's health conditions, 而不是年龄.


The little inconvenience and discomfort of getting a mammogram are far outweighed by its big benefits. Regular breast screening exams are the number-one way to reduce your risk of dying from breast cancer. A mammogram takes about 20 minutes (the actual breast compression lasts for only a few seconds) and can bring great peace of mind. 一个人只有一到两次乳房x光检查,000人被诊断为癌症, 根据美国癌症协会(ACS). 即使检测出癌变肿块, 如果发现得早并且局限于乳房, 存活率超过95%. The whole point of getting regular screening tests is to find the disease at its earliest, 最易治疗阶段.


Screening mammograms are usually covered by your insurance provider.


A screening mammogram usually involves two images of each breast. For some patients, more images may be needed in order to see as much breast tissue as possible.

Diagnostic mammography involves additional views of the breast, and is used when an abnormality is found during a screening mammogram, or in women who have breast complaints or symptoms such as a breast lump, 乳房疼痛, 或者皮肤刺激.


Hennepin Healthcare offers advanced 3D mammography service. 3D mammography is similar to having a conventional mammogram but is proven to be more accurate. 就像传统的乳房x光检查, 3D mammography takes images of your breast from multiple angles but is able to capture multiple images of the breast from several angles. Providers recommended 3D mammography in cases where increased accuracy is needed.


根据美国放射学会的 Practice Parameter for the Performance of Screening and Diagnostic 乳房x光检查, the following are recommended indicators for getting a mammography screening:

  • Annually for asymptomatic women age 40 and older who are at average risk for breast cancer.
  • Asymptomatic women under age 40 who are at increased risk for breast cancer.
    • Woman with known mutation or genetic syndrome with increased breast cancer risk: yearly starting by age 30, 但不能在25岁之前.
    • Untested women with a first-degree relative with known BRCA mutation: yearly starting by age 30, 但不能在25岁之前.
    • Women with a 20% or greater lifetime risk for breast cancer based on breast cancer risk models: yearly starting by age 30, 但25岁之前不行, or 10 years earlier than the age at which the youngest first-degree relative was diagnosed, 以较晚的为准.
    • Women with a history of chest (mantle) 辐射 received between the ages of 10 and 30: yearly starting 8 years after the 辐射 therapy, 但不能在25岁之前.
    • 活组织检查证实小叶瘤变的女性, 不典型导管增生, 原位导管癌(DCIS), 浸润性乳腺癌, 卵巢癌:从诊断开始每年一次, 不论年龄大小.
  • Age at which annual mammography screening should end.
    • There are no defined upper age limit at which mammography may not be beneficial.
    • Screening with mammography should be considered as long as the patient is in good health and is willing to undergo additional testing, 包括活检, 如果检测到异常.
  • If you have had mammograms in a different facility, 安排做你以前的乳房x光检查, 报告, 以及所有转发的治疗报告
  • 不用除臭剂, powder or cream under your arms as it may interfere with your mammogram images
  • You will be asked to undress above the waist and will be given a gown to wear during your mammogram
  • 你的乳房x光片将由放射科医生阅读
  • 将向您的提供商发送一份报告
  • A letter will also be sent to you with the result of your mammogram